Welcome to the Team Avery Website!

In the spring of 2008 my then 19-month old daughter Avery lost most of her sight to congenital cataracts.
The Delta Gamma Center for Visual Impairments in St. Louis was there for our family in our greatest time of need; teaching us how to alter our lives to incorporate a visually impaired child. To help them continue helping other families like us, we have formed Team Avery/ Team Margaret. ***To read about Avery's story, go to the Archives and visit Blog "Avery's Story" from January 24th, 2010.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

For Sale

Looking at the date of my last blog, it has been a MONTH since I last wrote.  Yikes!  Keeping up a consistent presence here on TeamAvery.com was one of my greatest fears about blogging. The other fear was that no one would read what I wrote in the first place.

I have been seriously busy lately.  In addition to training for the GO! St. Louis Marathon, taking care of Avery's newest medical diagnosis (blog to follow), our TEAM AVERY fundraising - oh, and raising two kids under the age of 4 - we are preparing to move to Macon, Georgia at the end of June.  Yiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!  

The sign went up in our yard tonight, and we will become official over the weekend.  Tomorrow morning we fly in to Atlanta to celebrate my beautiful niece's baptism.  Brian and I are unbelievably excited and honored to become little Elliott's Godparents. From there the four of us drive to Macon for Househunting trip #2.  While I don't have high hopes for finding a house, I cannot WAIT to see Amanda, Anslie, and Tiffiny.  Those girls have been phenomenal and have made the Macon-aspect of our move a pleasure. 

So, hang in there with me!  I have a ton of funny Avery stories, information about her health status, and a billion pictures that I'm just dying to post.  Until I talk to you again...know anyone needing a cute little bungalow in The Lou?
