Welcome to the Team Avery Website!

In the spring of 2008 my then 19-month old daughter Avery lost most of her sight to congenital cataracts.
The Delta Gamma Center for Visual Impairments in St. Louis was there for our family in our greatest time of need; teaching us how to alter our lives to incorporate a visually impaired child. To help them continue helping other families like us, we have formed Team Avery/ Team Margaret. ***To read about Avery's story, go to the Archives and visit Blog "Avery's Story" from January 24th, 2010.
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two Days Left...

There are only 2 days left until the big day...The Run for Sight is finally here! (Or, as Avery calls it, The "Go, Avery, Go Race." If this sounds eerily similar to "Go, Diego, Go" you are right on the money).

 We have come so far!  Two years ago this May,  
we first noticed Avery losing her sight; a week later she was diagnosed with fully oppacified congenital cataracts.  She had two surgeries to remove the lenses in her eyes and began wearing cataract glasses to see her own hand.  Now she is a bespectacled 3 1/2 year old, full of life and making up her developmental delays.  The prognosis looks great:  this Fall we expect Avery to have two more surgeries to place interocular lenses in each eye. She will always wear bifocals, but her eyesight will hopefully be improved dramatically.

To everyone who has supported TEAM AVERY and the Delta Gamma Center for Visually Impaired Kids, thank you. Thank you for giving kids like Avery a bright vision of their future.  See you Sunday!
